Hierarchical Sequence to Sequence Voice Conversion with Limited Data

We present a voice conversion solution using recurrent sequence to sequence modeling for DNNs. Our solution takes advantage of recent advances in attention based modeling in the fields of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), Text-to-Speech (TTS) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The problem consists of converting between voices in a parallel setting when audio pairs are available. Our seq2seq architecture makes use of a hierarchical encoder to summarize input audio frames. On the decoder side, we use an attention based architecture used in recent TTS works. Since there is a dearth of large ...

Refined WaveNet Vocoder for Variational Autoencoder Based Voice Conversion

This paper presents a refinement framework of WaveNet vocoders for variational autoencoder (VAE) based voice conversion (VC), which reduces the quality distortion caused by the mismatch between the training data and testing data. Conventional WaveNet vocoders are trained with natural acoustic features but conditioned on the converted features in the conversion stage for VC, and such a mismatch often causes significant quality and similarity degradation. In this work, we take advantage of the particular structure of VAEs to refine WaveNet vocoders with the self-reconstructed features generated ...

Investigation of F0 conditioning and Fully Convolutional Networks in Variational Autoencoder based Voice Conversion

In this work, we investigate the effectiveness of two techniques for improving variational autoencoder (VAE) based voice conversion (VC). First, we reconsider the relationship between vocoder features extracted using the high quality vocoders adopted in conventional VC systems, and hypothesize that the spectral features are in fact F0 dependent. Such hypothesis implies that during the conversion phase, the latent codes and the converted features in VAE based VC are in fact source F0 dependent. To this end, we propose to utilize the F0 as an additional input of the decoder. The model can learn ...

Unsupervised End-to-End Learning of Discrete Linguistic Units for Voice Conversion

We present an unsupervised end-to-end training scheme where we discover discrete subword units from speech without using any labels. The discrete subword units are learned under an ASR-TTS autoencoder reconstruction setting, where an ASR-Encoder is trained to discover a set of common linguistic units given a variety of speakers, and a TTS-Decoder trained to project the discovered units back to the designated speech. We propose a discrete encoding method, Multilabel-Binary Vectors (MBV), to make the ASR-TTS autoencoder differentiable. We found that the proposed encoding method offers automatic ...

AUTOVC: Zero-Shot Voice Style Transfer with Only Autoencoder Loss

Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion, as well as zero-shot voice conversion, remain underexplored areas. Deep style transfer algorithms, such as generative adversarial networks (GAN) and conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE), are being applied as new solutions in this field. However, GAN training is sophisticated and difficult, and there is no strong evidence that its generated speech is of good perceptual quality. On the other hand, CVAE training is simple but does not come with the distribution-matching property of a GAN. In this paper, we propose a new style transfer scheme that ...

Adversarially Trained Autoencoders for Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion

We present a method for converting the voices between a set of speakers. Our method is based on training multiple autoencoder paths, where there is a single speaker-independent encoder and multiple speaker-dependent decoders. The autoencoders are trained with an addition of an adversarial loss which is provided by an auxiliary classifier in order to guide the output of the encoder to be speaker independent. The training of the model is unsupervised in the sense that it does not require collecting the same utterances from the speakers nor does it require time aligning over phonemes. Due to the ...

Crossmodal Voice Conversion

Humans are able to imagine a person's voice from the person's appearance and imagine the person's appearance from his/her voice. In this paper, we make the first attempt to develop a method that can convert speech into a voice that matches an input face image and generate a face image that matches the voice of the input speech by leveraging the correlation between faces and voices. We propose a model, consisting of a speech converter, a face encoder/decoder and a voice encoder. We use the latent code of an input face image encoded by the face encoder as the auxiliary input into the speech conv...

Voice Conversion Based on Cross-Domain Features Using Variational Auto Encoders

An effective approach to non-parallel voice conversion (VC) is to utilize deep neural networks (DNNs), specifically variational auto encoders (VAEs), to model the latent structure of speech in an unsupervised manner. A previous study has confirmed the effectiveness of VAE using the STRAIGHT spectra for VC. However, VAE using other types of spectral features such as melcepstral coefficients (MCCs), which are related to human perception and have been widely used in VC, have not been properly investigated. Instead of using one specific type of spectral feature, it is expected that VAE may benefit...

ACVAE-VC: Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion with auxiliary classifier variational autoencoder

This paper proposes a non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion (VC) method using a variant of the conditional variational autoencoder (VAE) called an auxiliary classifier VAE (ACVAE). The proposed method has three key features. First, it adopts fully convolutional architectures to construct the encoder and decoder networks so that the networks can learn conversion rules that capture time dependencies in the acoustic feature sequences of source and target speech. Second, it uses an information-theoretic regularization for the model training to ensure that the information in the attribute clas...

Investigation of Using Disentangled and Interpretable Representations for One-shot Cross-lingual Voice Conversion

We study the problem of cross-lingual voice conversion in non-parallel speech corpora and one-shot learning setting. Most prior work require either parallel speech corpora or enough amount of training data from a target speaker. However, we convert an arbitrary sentences of an arbitrary source speaker to target speaker's given only one target speaker training utterance. To achieve this, we formulate the problem as learning disentangled speaker-specific and context-specific representations and follow the idea of [1] which uses Factorized Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder (FHVAE). After train...