Blow: a single-scale hyperconditioned flow for non-parallel raw-audio voice conversion

End-to-end models for raw audio generation are a challenge, specially if they have to work with non-parallel data, which is a desirable setup in many situations. Voice conversion, in which a model has to impersonate a speaker in a recording, is one of those situations. In this paper, we propose Blow, a single-scale normalizing flow using hypernetwork conditioning to perform many-to-many voice conversion between raw audio. Blow is trained end-to-end, with non-parallel data, on a frame-by-frame basis using a single speaker identifier. We show that Blow compares favorably to existing flow-based a...

One-shot Voice Conversion by Separating Speaker and Content Representations with Instance Normalization

Recently, voice conversion (VC) without parallel data has been successfully adapted to multi-target scenario in which a single model is trained to convert the input voice to many different speakers. However, such model suffers from the limitation that it can only convert the voice to the speakers in the training data, which narrows down the applicable scenario of VC. In this paper, we proposed a novel one-shot VC approach which is able to perform VC by only an example utterance from source and target speaker respectively, and the source and target speaker do not even need to be seen during tra...

Crossmodal Voice Conversion

Humans are able to imagine a person's voice from the person's appearance and imagine the person's appearance from his/her voice. In this paper, we make the first attempt to develop a method that can convert speech into a voice that matches an input face image and generate a face image that matches the voice of the input speech by leveraging the correlation between faces and voices. We propose a model, consisting of a speech converter, a face encoder/decoder and a voice encoder. We use the latent code of an input face image encoded by the face encoder as the auxiliary input into the speech conv...